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the mouse sensitivity is annoying

Kuya payl

(1 edit)

Hello! Great game, but you need to fix the sensitivity

Neat I've played this game before, I don't know where the current comments have gone, but the demo is still good, I'll probably play the whole game when it's has released. anyway well done keep it up!


Nice demo

thank's dude.. keep gonig!


Keep going, brother

my bro


hello dear. i playd your game and its good so far but check your installation files there is some programing problems.

  1. mouse sensitivity is too high.
  2. somewhere in game press "E" dos not do any action (Check your code be refrenced to input.kecode.E)
  3. check yor colliders to make walls solid and player couldn't go through it

thank's alot dude!.. i promise that i'll fix all soon and be ready for the first release of the game(:


Great work but I don't think this is a demo version I think it's a full version!


you can't imagine what will happen next..